The first of what is sure to be a blitz of Volkswagen ads for the new “Microbus” has begun. New York based Johannes Leonardo goes straight at the elephant in the room by addressing the “darkness” of the scandal that broke in 2016 then parallels the “light” with the brief visual introduction of the new microbus. A refreshing shot of truth in advertising. The addition of Simom & Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence is perfect; with the exception of maybe Bridge Over Troubled Water! The print and online ads borrow heavily from the stark, iconic creative of Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB) in 1960. If you’re looking to pick up one of these for that family trip to the beach this summer; you’ll have to wait a bit longer – VW plans production release in 2022.
Check out the full story and video at the links below:
Source: https://www.fastcompany.com